By anonymous - 17/11/2011 20:22 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend went and bought Skyrim, Modern Warfare 3 and renewed his WoW subscription. Looks like I won't be getting laid for a month or two. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 182
You deserved it 12 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, that is a little worrying. Games are good but they aren't going anywhere. Buy a toy of your own?


You aint gettinq laid for at least 8 months...

Ohhh girl that game if easy to beat don't worry if a 10 year old can beat it in a day so can he

Mine did that too minus skyrim. I watch him for a bit then lay on his bed naked, gets him off of the games quick enough. Try it OP. :)

Eternal94 10

Sit down next to him, smile and say "let the game the begin" beat his ass at the game, show him who stronger :)

Here we go with the MW3 hate comments, and the flame wars. (sigh) If you guys really hate whatever game mentioned here, keep your damn opinions to yourselves and don't insult those with different gaming taste's than yours. Idiots..

kikiluv 1

I can sense some jealousy between u and his video games. Lol

VeeEight 5

Uuummm...bail now while you can keep your dignity!

gungun235 3

Tell him to get gears of war3

a month? i was thinking about half a year lol