By Anna - 06/01/2012 11:25 - United States

Today, my dad decided that he shouldn't have to wear clothes in the privacy of his own home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 280
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well are you paying rent or bills??? No? Then let the damn man free ball in peace! Go Dad!!!

Many people feel that way, I'm assuming. I know I- never mind.


tattooedcowboy 6

My mom used to do the same thing. You can always take pictures of your dad naked and post them on Facebook or email them to the rest of the family.

gooldbaby12 0

Sadly i can say i know how you feel... Even worse its my mother haha!

Well looks like someone might need eye replacements! lol

So then who wears the pants in your family?

By that logic, you should be allowed to gouge out your eyes in the privacy of your own home.

asianpersuasian2 9