By Anna - 06/01/2012 11:25 - United States

Today, my dad decided that he shouldn't have to wear clothes in the privacy of his own home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 281
You deserved it 3 378

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well are you paying rent or bills??? No? Then let the damn man free ball in peace! Go Dad!!!

Many people feel that way, I'm assuming. I know I- never mind.


VampObsessed 16

My dad has been doing that for my whole 21 years and prolly more. Totally normal.

Maybe he is hinting its time for you to move out!

brick_man33 14

Well he's right. He can do whatever he wants in the privacy of his own home. Go to another room or go somewhere if you don't like what he does. Stop complaining about it.

bizarre_ftw 21

decide the same thing, call it a form of chicken! who will back out first?

Well, duh! Doesn't everyone's fat, protruding father do that these days

UNI_cornZ 6

If my dad did that I would have to cut my hands off and put knives in my eyes. Well I would have to put the knives in my eyes first. Then I would have to get my naked dad to help with my right hand because my left hand would be gone. Or I should just move out.

Well it's nothing like he's showing his penis to someone he dosent no .. Just to his family