By badsinger - 04/06/2010 09:38 - New Zealand

Today, my fiancée told me she was having a bad day while we were lying in bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep I thought it would be sweet if I sang her a song that her Mom sang to her when she was a child. Instead, I was told to shut the fuck up and that I sucked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 069
You deserved it 15 536

Same thing different taste


eytanrodin 0

What she did is a preview. Get ready to eat a lot of shit. That's what you do when you're married, but she should too. In and of itself, it's not a big deal, but if that's her typical response when you try to do a kind thing for her, don't marry her. I realize she was having a bad day and if that's the whole story, then she doesn't normally act like that. But if that's her M.O. run, don't walk! So to be clear, if that's not the way she normally acts, cut her some slack.

are you sure you weren't just peeking into the future?

YDI. She was having a bad day, and instead of making her happy, you thought it was a good idea to threat her like a child?

He was trying to make her happy by reminding her of her childhood. That's way different than treating her like a child.

Um, she was almost asleep. If my bf had done that, I would have hit him and told him to shut up so I could sleep. There is nothing more annoying than being seconds away from sleep and some noise pulls you out of it and wakes you up again, especially if that noise was intentional! You totally deserved it.

Most of the time when girls are ungrateful, it's annoying.

Monikabug 9
Guillory24 0

damn u need to find a new girl, i wouldve loved it if my man did that, i wouldve had the biggest smile on my face ;)