By catlady1989 - 10/05/2009 19:01 - United States

Today, my friend had to take my cat who has a tumor to be put down when I wasn't home since I couldn't bear to take him myself. I have two cats. He took the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 480 412
You deserved it 70 863

catlady1989 tells us more.

You people are so cruel. They were indentical except collar color. I said which one and he still messed up. My normal vet was closed because of Mothers day so the pound was the one to do it. I can't believe some of the things you people are saying... it is so hurtful... and both my cats did end up being put down...

Top comments

omg! that's absolutely awful! Why didn't you specify

Wow.... Something tells me you aren't friends anymore.


Hahah...a lot of FMLs suck for so many people rather than just the OP 1. Obviously sucks for you, your healthy cat died! 2. Sucks for your friend, how guilty he must feel... 3. Sucks for the healthy cat whos life got cut short 4. Sucks for the sick cat who is still stuck with the tumor!

oh my god that is horrible :'( did you specify which one it was?

perfectwinds 0

You should have gone for your cat's sake. Imagine it being your last day alive, being put to sleep and your parents not being there because they just "couldn't."

This is honestly the most awful FML I have read...but, surely unless you go to a clinic where there's loads of vets and you never see the same one twice, the vet would be able to recognise the cat previously diagnosed with the tumour?

volleyballinnx 0

Oh wow that's terrible. If you didn't specify, YDI. If you did and your friend's just stupid... FYL :(

jackattack96 0

what if your friend wrote something like "Today, my friend's cat had to be put down because it has a tumor and she couldn't do it herself. I took him to the vet's and he was put down. She has two cats, I took the wrong one. FML."

Don't they at the very least check vitals and stuff before putting down an animal? Pretty sure there would've been a visible difference between the cat that had the tumor and the one that didn't.

jewelzgalore 0