By catlady1989 - 10/05/2009 19:01 - United States

Today, my friend had to take my cat who has a tumor to be put down when I wasn't home since I couldn't bear to take him myself. I have two cats. He took the wrong one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 480 403
You deserved it 70 858

catlady1989 tells us more.

You people are so cruel. They were indentical except collar color. I said which one and he still messed up. My normal vet was closed because of Mothers day so the pound was the one to do it. I can't believe some of the things you people are saying... it is so hurtful... and both my cats did end up being put down...

Top comments

omg! that's absolutely awful! Why didn't you specify

Wow.... Something tells me you aren't friends anymore.


dancercuity922 0

omg that is truly horrid. I am so terribly sorry, truly I am. Thats just unbelievably awful. I'm so sorry.

xxPrettyJane 0

Maybe the two cats looked a lot alike. Many people adopt cats from the same litter together, so it might not have been easy to tell the difference. But the OP should've found some distinction. I'm so sorry, I wanted to cry when I read this, it's so sad :( Adopt another cat, that made me feel better when my first cat was put down.

suckstobeyou3 0

**** your life since you have no cats now. **** your friend's life who has to live with the guilt. but mostly **** the cats' lives because now they have no life at all.

xxPrettyJane 0

Although i must say, i agree with 15. I was 7 when my first cat died (she had to be put down after being hit by a car); it was hard, but i felt like it was a better way for her to go, with me being there. You're cat probably loves you! imagine how sad he/she is. It's kinda selfish that you wouldn't go with your cat Wait, just thought of something. If this is your regular vet, shouldn't he/she have known the difference? I blame him too

That is so horrible, i'm sorry. But I do think you should take your sick cat to be put to sleep yourself, i'm sure it'd rather be with you than a stranger in its last moments.

wtf.... and shame on the vet for not noticing either. good vets will double check and know your pet....

kk_fml 0

either you have the dumbest vet in the world or this is fake. Even if the cats were identical he should know which one is sick and which one is healthy. I really dont believe that any vet would make that mistake.

shelbypoo 0

what kind of heartless bastard would check "you deserved this one" for this?? thats terrible!!! im so sorry :(((

whether this is fake or not...a life was lost!! no one deserves anything!!