By Sebastian - 17/03/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, our school had tryouts for chorus. Everybody sang a snippet of the song together until the teacher stopped us, saying it sounded awful. He singled me out and told me to sing alone. After I sang the part, he said, "Son, your gift to God will be silence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 761
You deserved it 7 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...maybe you should become a mime :0

kinda a dick move to signal you out and say something like that- but hey, what else are teachers good for? :] im sure you excel at other things. maybe art?? :D


fillmyheart028 0

"My gift to you is a brick in the face" * run *

Zooma_fml 0

You tried out for choir, that's the same as coming out of the closet. And lifepwns, first of all, what a pathetic name that is. Do you play video games all day? Is that fun for you? Clearly, YOU'RE the idiot. No one cares about being gramitcally correct on a ******* website, and in addition to that, you actually notice it and feel the need to comment on it? YOU'RE a tool/idiot. Thanks- Zooma

squeaky_fml 0

#47 wins. The people who say that you should not sing if you aren't good at it are cowards. You should chose your activities based on what you like, not what you are good at. Refusing to do things that they aren't good at just shows how insecure and scared they are.

Giga_fml 0

That was pretty rude to say, even if you really were that bad. Don't get too down about it, though. No one can be amazing at everything they try right away, especially singing. When I first joined chorus in elementary school, I was terrible. We had an "audition", but I don't think it counted for anything. Now I'm in high school, and I like to think I've made a lot of progress. It's not like it's your fault if you're not a great singer. Even if you can't sing well now, it doesn't mean you're a lost cause, so don't give up. Some people just need to work at it more than others. Give it some practice, maybe take voice lessons if you have the time and money, and try again next year.

I've been there. When I was in school (5th-8th grade) music was a requirement. We had to sing. And I was singled out in front of the whole class and had to sing. It was horrible.

lol what a douche bag and yea some schools ur forced to be in that class drop that class first chance u get

#49 ur rite! i hate it wen teachers say 'god'! its so stupid, god doesn't even exist! I agree! sue his ass! lol athiest pride!! w/

Don't feel bad, even us good singers can have similar experiences. When I was 14, I had been known for having perfect pitch and during a rehearsal a boy next to me was going through a voice change. Due to this, he was singing a little flat. So of course both of us were singled out, we were asked to sing alone in front of everyone and together and she blamed me! A bunch of other singers in our section even vouched that they heard it wasn't me but she went on her whole music professional spiel and insisted I was flat. I argued with her a bit but it was pointless. Of course, this same instructor credited a girl with a solo she didn't sing that I ended up taking over because she was sick. In fact, she was just kind of a bitch to me in general. Some chorus instructors are just jerks or compulsive. I'm sure those who made the audition are nice and stressed about now.