By Sebastian - 17/03/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, our school had tryouts for chorus. Everybody sang a snippet of the song together until the teacher stopped us, saying it sounded awful. He singled me out and told me to sing alone. After I sang the part, he said, "Son, your gift to God will be silence." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 761
You deserved it 7 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well...maybe you should become a mime :0

kinda a dick move to signal you out and say something like that- but hey, what else are teachers good for? :] im sure you excel at other things. maybe art?? :D


hahaha awww that does suck....although i'm a bit in the "cruel to be kind" camp too, someone needs to say it before you rock on up at American Idol and embarass yourself!!! sucks to be you!

jmavii 4

shoulda told the teacher you can give god that gift bitch :P

skibzmonkey 3

What a bitch that teacher is! If you have nothing good to say, then shut up and don't say it!

You got singled out, so what? I've been in music for 8 years. What happened to you is nothing new to musicians.

You should have said "There is no GOD" and twisted your head 360.