By BowTiesAr3Cool - 25/12/2014 16:36 - United States - Irving

Today, the kid who who lives next door and shares a bedroom wall with me got a drum set for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 974
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get an electric guitar and drown him out!

buy him drum lessons for christmas... at least make it good noise.


Whenever he decides to jam out, blast some country music even louder. Fight fire with fire!

I don't see that battle ending well...

country music is the best. I dont know what that's supposed to accomplish

Ashd09 30

I'm with 17. Country music is amazing (especially the classics) so unless the kid is one of those people that only listens to alternative, rap, pop, etc. I don't see where this would help

23lf 16

Blast the loudest music possible whenever he's home and not using the drums! Have him feel the pain!

Ditagein 14

awh man **** that i would hate someone to mess with my sleeping

Considering it's a "kid who" I'm surprised he only got a drum set and not some jing tinglers or some flu floopers.

what kind of instrument are ting jinglers and flu floopers

meggielovee7 2

Does it bother anyone that the word who is on there twice?

upallnight11 19

Nobody cares about ashton irwin