By BowTiesAr3Cool - 25/12/2014 16:36 - United States - Irving

Today, the kid who who lives next door and shares a bedroom wall with me got a drum set for Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 974
You deserved it 2 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get an electric guitar and drown him out!

buy him drum lessons for christmas... at least make it good noise.


Hope you got an electric guitar, trust me, I got a neighbor who is a TERRIBLE drummer. I got now four electric guitars and when I play outside I drowned him out. Parents love it, neighbors hate it. Anyway merry Christmas!

Give him egg cartons for Christmas. And give yourself noise-canceling headphones. .

moosetracks22 10

That's when you have to go over and talk to him to work out an agreement. Tell him that you recognize that he has a right to do what he wants, but within reason. See if he would only be willing to stop by 8 on work nights and 10-ish on the weekends. it may suck, but if you at least have a set time that he will be done then you can also have some peace.

He is your neighbours' kid pa rum pum pum pum, And really into it pa rum pum pum pum, Quiet days are past you pa rum pum pum pum, Need to get used to it pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum

I can't believe their parents thought that was a good idea, I'm sure they'll be regretting that decision soon enough.

Haha loving your username, but I prefer fezzes ;)