By Anonymous - 29/05/2012 18:43 - United States - Springfield

Today, while taking part in a lifeguarding exercise, I was supposed to "drown" to get another guard to save me. After all was done, my boss called me into his office and screamed at me for "drowning the wrong way," and threatening our reputation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 359
You deserved it 2 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A) inhale huge amounts of water B) sink

TarieBoo 2

did you start drowning before you got in the water? i didnt know there was a 'wrong' way


unknown_user5566 26

After reading some of the recent FML's I have officially decided that I never, ever want to be a lifeguard.

How do you drown the wrong way!? I didn't even know that was possible..

winnerme123 8

1) How are you supposed to drown on purpose (or act like you are drowning)? 2) Why would you drown on purpose unless you are committing suicide?

winnerme123 8

Especially in training (in continuation of #2)

missamerica95 0

Read the FML again and maybe that would answer your second question.

winnerme123 8

I know it's a training exercise but still three letters. WHY?

I'd tie 4 concrete blocks to him, push him in, and ask for a proper lesson on how to drown.

How to drown Option 1, the non-swimmer: non-swimmers tend to look like they are climbing a ladder, no sounds are heard as they are generally underwater. Option 2, the tired swimmer: the tired swimmer is still trying to reach shore by themselves but isn't moving very far, generally won't call for help. Option 3, the injured swimmer: holding injured body part, panicking and calling for help. Lastly, option four, the unconscious swimmer: pretty obvious, sinking to the bottom, no movement, no call for help

alexandraw1499 2

Why didn't you just drown the right way duh

Where you suppose to be a passive drowner?

I don't know, I've always approximately drowned before.