Trolling for soup

By he's a dawk, and a cunt - 05/07/2013 22:29 - Australia - Darling Point

Today, my boyfriend and I went to my parents' barbecue. He knew my family is extremely religious, so what did he do? Called for silence to make an announcement, namely: "God isn't real." Cue a riot that ended in us being kicked out and me all but disowned for "putting him up to it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 245
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he can't respect your family (and their religious beliefs) enough to be polite, he isn't worth your time.

Hm, I can't tell who's worse. It's either your boyfriend or your parents. Also, if your boyfriend is an atheist, good luck having Christmas with your parents and him.


Now what in the hell was he hoping to accomplish by saying that, no ANNOUNCING that in front of your family?? He was looking for a fight and he was being deliberately disrespectful to your family. Beliefs aside, why would you wanna be with a guy like that?!

I'm an atheist and I'd never do that but somehow imagining that situation I sadly find it hilarious.

UnluckyGenius 21

You deserve it for knowing your boyfriend and family's beliefs clashed.

How is it her fault?... She can't control what others believe, and it isn't her fault that they dont believe the same thing...

35 - You know people with clashing beliefs can get on just fine, right? Just because OP's boyfriend is an atheist doesn't mean he's automatically going to be at the throat of a religious family. That's down to the fact that he's a dick.

UnluckyGenius 21

"With clashing beliefs" brilliant. She knows what her boyfriend is like that she should have seen this coming. I am not saying what they believe is her fault, I am saying dating an atheist and bringing him to a gathering for a very religious family is stupid.

Ins0mau 20

112 - So you REALLY think all atheists would behave like that?!?

112 - It's only a stupid thing to do if the atheist is a ****. An atheist who isn't a **** wouldn't even care that the family are religious and would just enjoy the barbecue.

UnluckyGenius 21

Damn it, I am not saying all atheist would act like that you moron. I am saying OP should know him well enough to have seen this coming. What the bloody hell don't you understand about that? Brb lighting myself on fire and running off a cliff now.

MzZombicidal 36

#122, You know it's impossible to judge what someone's going to do, right? As far as we know, they could have been a new couple. Maybe she was going to introduce him to her family? He acted like an utter idiot and that's NOT her fault.

MzZombicidal 36

Also, when you say "dating an Atheist and bringing him to a gathering with a very religious family is stupid" comes across as you stereotyping all Atheists.

Time for him to become an ex. Real men don't pull stupid crap like that.

assassinbanana0 20

That was very wrong and stupid of your boyfriend to do so. If you guys haven't broken up yet by any chance, sit down with him and have a serious talk. He owes your parents am apology. As for your parents, I hope you talked to them and explained what happened. If they still don't talk to you, then obviously they are just as immature as your boyfriend. I really hope and wish you the best of luck, OP

assassinbanana0 20
LudicMonster 22

Forget about religion, your boyfriend was looking to pick a fight, a massive one at that. You need to keep yourself far away from sociopathic people like that, because if it's not religion and it's not your family, he will always find a situation to **** up as royally as he did this one.

Regardless of what you believe everyone should just keep to themselves, that was disrespectful and just stupid.

AmandaLikNoOther 6

I am an Atheist and I think he is a jerk. It is wrong to shove any belief in other people's faces.