
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was dumped. I ran home and cried and ranted on and on to my mother. After about 10 minutes of talking, she threw a book at my face and said, "No wonder he dumped you! You can't shut up!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 723
You deserved it 16 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you talking for 10 minutes straight or was it a conversation? If you really ranted for 10 minutes you deserve it. Sorry about your break up, but come on, your mom shouldn't have to suffer.

Just shut the hell up and don't be all full of drama


SpRiTzSpLaSh 7

Well, now you know that he's not meant for you . It's not like you really loved him right.? Next time, try ranting to your friends because obviously, your moms not that supportive.

Were you talking for 10 minutes straight or was it a conversation? If you really ranted for 10 minutes you deserve it. Sorry about your break up, but come on, your mom shouldn't have to suffer.

NoThanks999 19

*Sighs* OK, lets fix your grammar. Were you talking for ten minutes straight*(,) or was it an conversation? If you really ranted for 10 minutes straight*(,) you deserve(ed) it. Sorry about your break up(,) but come on(.) Your mom shouldn't have to suffer.

My comeback would have been, "It's no wonder Dad left you. You're a heartless bitch!"

I may be wrong but I think you're projecting a little here.

perdix 29

Your mom was trying to read, and for you Floridians, that's a real strain! If you saw she was busy, you should have just said you'd been dumped and gone to your room and cried. She'll come to you if she's interested in the tedious details.

Suck it up princess. Life sucks deal with it. YDI for being a crybaby and annoying your mom with your pathetic whining.

Fakeddd 0

Finally, an intelligent comment.

[sigh] I'm sorry. I have the tendency to rant and rave for hours when I'm upset, too. Come rant at me. I'll listen.

Can I reasonably assume that "gouache" is the illegitimate love child of "gauche" and "douche"?

Was the book hardcover? :0 Well, it doesn't matter anyway, that was a bitch move!

Well this is an ugly turn of events. It's bad enough to get dumped; it's worse to have a mother who doesn't give a rat's ass. You can find a new boyfriend but you are stuck with the bitch mom. As the daughter of another bitch mom, you have my most abject sympathy. I hope things get better for you.