
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was dumped. I ran home and cried and ranted on and on to my mother. After about 10 minutes of talking, she threw a book at my face and said, "No wonder he dumped you! You can't shut up!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 723
You deserved it 16 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you talking for 10 minutes straight or was it a conversation? If you really ranted for 10 minutes you deserve it. Sorry about your break up, but come on, your mom shouldn't have to suffer.

Just shut the hell up and don't be all full of drama


YDI. The OP didn't ask to talk to her mother, she went home and just straight up started ranting. Doesn't matter who you are or what you're going through, you don't just unload your problems on people without at least asking them whether or not they have the time and want to actually listen. People are way too self-important these days to think about those people who constantly have to listen to their griping.

It doesn't matter if she asked "mom can I please cry about getting dumped." You are also wrong about her thinking she's self important she realizes that she ranted on and on by admitting to it. Even if she ranted for an hour leave the fing room don't make things worse. She didn't come to us with I got dumped. She came to us with I got dumped and my mom threw a book at me. It wasn't a friend she expected to care about her but her mother. Good god all this YDI is making me actually care about this fml P.s don't have kids

I'm sorry but you have to be somewhat self-important to rant on for ten minutes without the other person saying anything. And unless it's some weighty tome of ancient lore having a book thrown at you is more symbolic of you being annoying than any sort of danger worth mentioning. It wasn't about leaving the room, she specifically went to the room in which her mother was doing whatever and started ranting. If she wasn't being self-important she would have gone to her room or maybe not have spouted off for ten whole minutes about shit no one cares about.

What sort of danger is a slap in the face? It's your teenage daughter what do you expect drama comes with the territory. I understand why the mother flipped, but I don't know why you are condoning it. There is no reason to add insult to injury "it's a phrase don't take it with a stick". Again if you can't take drama DON'T HAVE KIDS! Plus you think this behavior is okay and deserved, that it was even a lesson. The OP won't learn anything in fact what she'll do is cry to a GUY just listening for one reason. Distancing herself even more from her mom, and you wonder why 13 year old girls are leaving babies in trash cans. Cause they are too afraid to go to their fing parents! It's a snowball effect with every battle further away from you and closer to the wolves. If she was over emotional is beside the point even if you think it's rude it's besides the point! You never punish your child for coming to you cause they will go somewhere else.

You're one of those "children require coddling and discipline is draconian" people aren't you? I'm sorry but my parents wouldn't listen to me or my sister bitching at them for that amount of time. You're not being patient and understanding when you let your kid go on tirades like that, you're displaying how weak your authority is. Basically you're telling your child that their problems are all important and trump any and everything else. I know people who have parents like you and they're ******* spoiled brats.

manatees_r_epic 0

#52, So you're not supposed to listen to your children when they are upset? Yes, you are supposed to show love to your children, sorry to burst your bubble...

If you're kid is making epic speeches every time something relatively benign happens, you're no longer listening to them in supportive manner, they're being coddled.

Have to agree with Pasta on this one. Not condoning the book thing but sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing something the last thing I want is my child giving me a 10 minute emo rant. I have 3 children. Oldest is 7, when she complains to me about school drama, I tell her she is there to learn, not make friends.

MuchDance90s 0

I think they both have good points

My parents always listen to me when I'm upset, and they believe strongly in discipline. They're glad I'm coming to them when I'm upset or have a problem though cuz they can do their job as parents and help me find a solution, or comfort me for a little bit... I've cried on my mom's shoulder for almost ten minutes over my best friend and I getting in a serious argument right after my boyfriend broke up with me, then a few WEEKS later got grounded for 3 months. Listening and comforting your kids at times doesn't mean you're a coddling, no discipline parents, it means you're being a parent b

babybriebear 0

i think tht is really mean n im sorry tht u got dumped u mite do need 2 learn 2 b quit a lil bit n domt over spoke it..

"I think that is really mean and I'm sorry that you got dumped. You might do need to learn to be quiet a little bit and don't over speak it..." Yeah, that second sentance is a little odd.

Maybe you talk too much, but your mother has got some serious anger issues. Jesus have some sympathy.

Your mom sounds really mean. But maybe your just a whiny bitch.

Hey OP are you a plane ticket? Cause you just got booked!

Duh, no one wants to hear their bitchy daughter whine.

notsoluckypup 12

No comment - too complicated to try xP

Iknoweverything 29

To people who think the mother is a bitch: You don't throw a book at someone without trying to get their attention first. If she was trying to tell OP something, or trying to offer advice, and OP didn't shut up, she DOES deserve it. You don't throw books at people because they just "don't shut up," you throw books at people because you keep trying to get their attention, and they don't shut up! Op deserves it if she didn't stop to listen to her mother.

To Iknoweverything: You don't throw a book at someone. Esp. if you're a parent to the victim. And the victim is upset. I think it's safe to say you're socially handicapped if you think that someone not giving you their attention warrants a book-throwing. Good luck with life.