We are the 99%

By blahdyblahblah33 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was rushed to the emergency room. Apparently, there is only one serious side effect of getting your tonsils out when you're an adult, which is only seen in about 1% of patients: bleeding of the throat. It can be deadly. I'm part of that 1%. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 908
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

block1 2
Ashleywright32 0

I faced the same issue..... In the hospital for two and a half weeks! Good luck hope ya get to feelin better soon.....


So you're bleeding from the throat and you decide to post it on FML? Good choice! :)

This was probably written after being admitted the second time and after the corrective surgery. OP, I hope you're feeling better and that you don't have any long lasting permanent effects from this :)

LolMoqz 10

I wish you the best of luck on part of the whole FML community.

It's more than one percent...try between 10-20%. Your doc should have mentioned this to you AND told you not to strain yourself or bend over even.

sarahmcgeee 5

at least someone else here realized it's the OP's fault...

I guess it's just one of those things that happen. I hope everything turns out okay :).

thank god you had enough time in the ER to post this FML

tattedNpierced 0

that sucks, I have yet to get mine removed but like most people, hope you get to being better :)

talensledge1 0

Theres always that little amount of assholes that say ppl deserve stuff even if it's extremely painful

Dang, I feel bad for ya hope you get better! :)

duvalnicholas 0