A method to her madness

By TheTruthFairy2023 - 01/01/2023 20:00 - United Kingdom - Andover

Today, I made it all the way up the stairs without collecting up all the shit my wife had left there during the morning. Instead of rewarding me for not falling over it, she cursed me for not understanding her puzzling redistribution system. FML
I agree, your life sucks 746
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am willing to bet that your wife has communicated to you before that when she puts things at the bottom of the stairs she wants it taken upstairs… I’m not saying that stacking stuff on the stairs is a good idea, just that you probably already knew the message she was sending, so there is no reason to be surprised…

Battousai124 7

Sounds like the wonderful beginning of a hoarders episode.


I am willing to bet that your wife has communicated to you before that when she puts things at the bottom of the stairs she wants it taken upstairs… I’m not saying that stacking stuff on the stairs is a good idea, just that you probably already knew the message she was sending, so there is no reason to be surprised…

A redistribution system? Is your wife trying to invent a new form of socialism? You'd better learn it or you may end up in the proletartiat and get screwed!

Battousai124 7

Sounds like the wonderful beginning of a hoarders episode.