
By juggalo2 - 19/07/2023 12:00

Today, my wife can barely contain her rage at me for throwing out her collection of unique glass bottles, which she was saving for gifting and decoration. I'd feel more guilt if she hadn't been storing them in a box underneath our sink mixed with recyclables. FML
I agree, your life sucks 818
You deserved it 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She should have informed you. When she chose not to let you know, she also chose for you to throw them out. FYL

STA not you if they were with the recyclables. she expects you to be psychic


She should have informed you. When she chose not to let you know, she also chose for you to throw them out. FYL

STA not you if they were with the recyclables. she expects you to be psychic

Did you not notice how pretty and unique they were? It's maybe not the best place to store them... although she is actually recycling them in the best possible way.

People who live life thinking 0 steps ahead are somehow a thing.