By mattie - 15/05/2023 21:00 - United States - Montgomery

Today, the guy I was talking to for about 3 years, started dating in December, and was super happy about it, told my friends, and he told me he loved me within the first week, has now broken up with me. All because I "said I love you too quickly." He said it first and now his friends think I'm batshit crazy. Is he a dick or am I overreacting? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 010
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He can't accept any blame in this, so he blames you. He's an immature asshole. Let him go.


He can't accept any blame in this, so he blames you. He's an immature asshole. Let him go.

You're totally in the wrong. The guy should say "I love you" for 3-6 months before the girl says it. She has to keep him working for it. It's in the rules, jeesh!

Sounds like he just wasn't that into you. The first months of dating are really just barely figuring out who someone really is.

I think he's just nuts. Who confesses love after only a week? He definitely did say it too fast. Honestly, yeah, you're kind of overreacting because things seemed to be moving way too fast for a stable relationship. But yes, he's a dick too, for being a hypocrite. He said it first, but *you* said it too soon? Right...