Time for a beer

By Nope - 17/12/2023 14:00 - United States - Richmond

Today, I tried making homemade bread, just for fun. My girlfriend started yelling that we had perfectly good bread from the store, "but noooo, my boyfriend just HAS to make his own bread!" She ended up ruining the experience, so I just threw the dough in the garbage and went to get drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 832
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you know you're allowed to get rid of her, right?

Girlfriend does not sound like a keeper. Some idiots become threatened somehow if their significant other does anything that seems out of the norm for their idea of their role. That's remarkably stupid and closed minded behavior...


Girlfriend does not sound like a keeper. Some idiots become threatened somehow if their significant other does anything that seems out of the norm for their idea of their role. That's remarkably stupid and closed minded behavior...

you know you're allowed to get rid of her, right?

Time to ditch the b!tch. You deserve better. Normally I'd say talk things out but this is a red flag.

Chose to be with those who empower you. Chose to stay away from those degrade you

Unless there is a significant extenuating circumstance that is causing her to act like this, this should be the red flag to walk away.

Should have baked the bread and enjoyed it. Don’t give her power over your enjoyment

The good thing is you are just bf/gf. Which means you found a good reason to not keep this one around and instead find someone who will be supportive.

She has obviously never tasted fresh, warm, homemade bread. And, she sounds like a total bitch!