Bad boy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 2 year-old son decided to pee on the dog for the second day in a row. I'm afraid this will turn into a routine thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 268
You deserved it 5 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i hope the dog learns to defend itself and bite off the kids little weiner...

awe it's your job to train your kid haha poor dog :(


sallen0046 4

Ok, no. The first time was a FML moment, but the second time is absolutely your fault. You obviously did not take appropriate steps to remedy the situation. Your child can't go around peeing on things, especially not living creatures. A toddler's basic reason for life is to test boundaries that you set - if you don't discipline them in an appropriate manner for them to understand, they'll keep doing the same inappropriate things just to get a reaction from you.

at least you know who the dog belongs to now.

pee on your keed and ask him how it feels

milakitty21 0

you make me feel like a school girl tee hee :)

How does a child start that habit? and how blind do you have to be no notice your child pulling down their pants over the dog? I'm going to try and not think about either. Fyl op.

Perhaps we have discovered the next R. Kelly ?? Kudos kid, you're bound to be famous.

the dog's going to bite the kid sooner or later.

whippymcdumb4zs 0

On the plus side, at least it's not the dog pissing on the kid.