Big book of baby names

By isthisajoke - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was told that my mom and her new husband have named my newborn brother "Titan". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 633
You deserved it 2 543


I know a little boy named Rocket hes 5 now but just wait till Middle school, High school, and College hes gonna regret the name. As for little Titan "I agree HIS life definitely does suck."

Why not call him chewbacca ... :) problem solved!

sumphries2014 0

What's so bad about Titan? I know a few kids named Titan and they're all adoreable.

Here4theshow 17

Titian can also be pronounced as " tee- shawn"

FarscapeSDC 9

If I ever have children, I'm going to change my last name to "Boss" and name the child "Lika", thus his/her name would be "Lika boss."

lyssabean11 5

My little brothers name is titan .... I like it