Blaze it 420

By Anonymous - 03/06/2014 09:46 - United Kingdom - Preston

Today, I sent my boyfriend a picture of my tits. He ignored it and instead sent a picture of his dog "looking blazed". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 255
You deserved it 17 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WD_Stevens 22

I swear I'll never understand what women see in us men

Wienerschnitzel_fml 10

I think it's breast that you don't get your feelings hurt and overthink this.


Well, maybe he really loves you and is scared he might hurt your feelings or make you thing he's a sex pig if he says something. Some of us men try our best to care of our girl's feelings if we really love her :)

kkmichelle2283 1

It's not a big deal. He may just not have been in the mood. It happens

Your profile description are giving me suspicions about who you'd like OP to send her pics.

aubama_fml 15

human **** don't have the same effects on dogs

dmcd_39 14
rachangie 19

Maybe he's not in the mood? Not all guys want scandalous pictures all the time. He probably just didn't want to hurt your feelings so he changed the subject. Also, I bet that picture of his dog was freaking hilarious.:)

it's good to know he's not just into sex, and actually shares things with you, which is more important

Send me a pic I won't ignore it :-) jk