Blaze it 420

By Anonymous - 03/06/2014 09:46 - United Kingdom - Preston

Today, I sent my boyfriend a picture of my tits. He ignored it and instead sent a picture of his dog "looking blazed". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 255
You deserved it 17 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WD_Stevens 22

I swear I'll never understand what women see in us men

Wienerschnitzel_fml 10

I think it's breast that you don't get your feelings hurt and overthink this.


My boyfriend ignores me and does crap like that to me all the time so I know what that's like... It sucks. Definitely Fyl.

Mysterious_one 26

then why sending him?.. send it if he asked for it..

badluckalex 23

14-and your still with him? lol

nlm92 15

Maybe you should tell him how you feel about it

nannygirl1990 6

it sounds like you need a new guy #14

Is that the texting equivalent of asking a man "How does my butt look in these pants?" He's probably too scared to say anything for fear of offending you. Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't send random body shots unless asked to, because I'm not an attention seeker. *waits for the thumbing down to commence*

I don't see anything wrong with randomly sending pics like this to your significant other. How does that make her an attention seeker?

She was soliciting a comment about her breasts by sending a photo, and was ticked off she didn't get one. Kind of seems like seeking attention to me. Fine and dandy if you want to send body shots to your significant other, but don't be disappointed if you get no response when he didn't ask.

"I'm not an attention seeker." Though, on your picture you're flashing muscles and covering half your face? Why'd you do that, other than showing off?

Was it a wiener dog? Cause then this could all be explained.

Mysterious_one 26
ostfaiz 18

m exited to know whts next in your mind to send him, plus more anxious to kno his reply on

... I'm assuming you guys have been together a long time or else this makes absolutely no sense