
By Anonymous - 23/05/2019 20:00

Today, I went to Home Depot because the lamp I'd bought there a few days ago was missing a part, and I wanted to get one that was complete. They wouldn't change it because it wasn't complete, and the policy said they wouldn't change anything that wasn't complete. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 872
You deserved it 161

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Alurius_moon88 4

I used to work there. That's not right. At all. Talk to a manager, or go to a different store, and talk to a manager.

Your writing confirms the fact that you don’t communicate well. Take someone with you to explain it clearly.


Alurius_moon88 4

I used to work there. That's not right. At all. Talk to a manager, or go to a different store, and talk to a manager.

I can second this advice. What they did is indeed Not Policy. We replace missing pieces all the time.

They’ve been victimized too often by the “bracket hoarding” scam. Go on the Dark Web, and you’ll be inundated with bracket ****, where hoarders show off pics of their obscene caches of pilfered swag.

Your writing confirms the fact that you don’t communicate well. Take someone with you to explain it clearly.

TxKitten79 10

I hope you called their corporate office!

ViviMage 38

There should be a number for the manufacturer on the box. Call and ask them to mail out the missing part.