Eat to the beat

By Anonymous - 04/08/2021 06:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, working at McDonald’s, I get lunch money on top of my salary. Well, actually I don’t *get* the money, I can eat the money. No freestyling though, only items that are actually on the menu. I guess my health and my figure won’t be lovin' it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 718
You deserved it 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do McDonalds salads have still have more calories than a Big Mac or did they get shamed into correcting that?

Isn't it annoying to see all those people who aren't familiar with the FML lore and overarching plot?


You do know McDonald's does salads? Fillet?

Do McDonalds salads have still have more calories than a Big Mac or did they get shamed into correcting that?

sweetpotato 12

which are worse then the actual burgers. do your research

rotflqtms_ 21

When I worked for McDonalds, they actually told me I had to stop getting a salad as my meal because it was an expensive item on the menu. Literally my 1 free meal and I couldn't be healthy. I bet they still do that.

Maybe that'll get you to "stop the lesbian shit."

It's a callback to a story from a few days ago. McDonald's was also central to that one.

Isn't it annoying to see all those people who aren't familiar with the FML lore and overarching plot?

Marcella1016 31

Man they’re not true FML fans if they don’t follow the lore! They’re missing out!

I agree. People should be familiar with the most substantial and influential texts in Western Civilization. Shakespeare: "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" The Bible: "nothing new under the sun." Greek mythology: Achilles heel The last few days of FML: Stop that lesbian shit. Not necessarily in that order.

Turt1395 3

I used to work at Hungry Jacks. I used to make a salad with the salads we had for our burgers and cut up a grilled chicken patty. Got sick of the menu items very quickly.

rotflqtms_ 21

When I worked at McDonalds they gave me a free meal, but I kept getting salads and they were like, I wasn't allowed to because it was an expensive item on the menu...

xingyibear 5

just do a "get thru work" snack of fries/salade n burgers/chicken and avoid pop and the generally sugary stuff

Pet peeve, but here goes: if you work at McDonald's, you earn wages, not a salary. They are not the same thing.

ODBeefalo 10

companies will call it a salary to make you feel like you are on the right path and make it a harder decision to leave. it's a lie, but my company does the same thing, and we have actual salary and non salary workers. just some sneaky shit.

rarabecky 3

Or maybe bring your own lunch like tons of us in the working world?