
By Anonymous - 02/05/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, despite the fact that we are well off and desperate to be parents, my sister refuses to let us adopt her unborn baby, and intends to “raise him on her own.” We earn twice what she does and have been trying to conceive or adopt for 7 years, and she doesn’t even have a husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 122
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody owes you anything just because you can't have kids. Get the f**k over it. And you may as well kiss your nephew goodbye before he's even born. Because if your sister has *any* maternal instinct at all, she would NEVER let him be around you.


So because she doesn't have a husband she's not allowed to raise her own kid? Sorry it's not working out for you, but your sister doesn't owe you her offspring to appease you, no matter the circumstances.

If you earn so much and have no kids of your own, how about HELPING HER OUT? instead of trying to STEAL HER BABY?!?!?!

JHC. That is about 9.98 on the Creep-o-Meter. Nobody owes you a child. You're not entitled to a child. Money doesn't raise a child. Having a child doesn't make you a better person. Not having a child doesn't make you a worse person. I think you need to grow up some more before even considering taking on the responsibility of a child.

what the **** is wrong with you? How about you get off your high horse. How would you feel if someone was telling you to give them your child?!

oh. And just for the record "doesn't even have a husband"?! how is that relevant you dumb *****?