Funny how?

By Jessie - 23/02/2009 08:08 - United States

Today, I drove to a party after getting my car back from the shop. A thunderstorm started as I made my way there and upon arriving, the power went out. The guests decided to watch the storm from the front windows when someone mentioned how funny it would be if a tree fell on my car. Seconds later, one did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 348
You deserved it 3 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holynemesis1208 3

then the geico lizard came out and slapped you in the face and said "15 mins. would have saved you over 15% on your car insurance, but now your just ******."


its not like its safe to go outside and move it. ((( #27 )))

VexDraham 0

Oh Jesus Christ, here come the ******* irony police.

arienh4 0

#18: Do you think they'd expect it to happen?

Oh My ******* JESUS CRUST, hey, #9, 1. go consult a dictionary 2. and an English teacher 3. facepalm 4. admit douchebaggery 5. apologize for causing a pointless grammar flamewar in which idiots decided they wanted to insult someone so picked people who were RIGHT where they were WRONG. 6. Become a cautionary tale for douchebags and trolls everywhere (in summary: know your shit before you correct someone in a rude manner, or just don't correct people rudely at all...because it' and to the idot who said irony was situational only (#30), that's SITUATIONAL IRONY there also exists DRAMATIC and VERBAL IRONY which are the basic types, but there are many specfic types relating to the connotation, mood, and contents of the irony rather than just the general usage SITUATIONAL IRONY: Situational irony is the disparity of intention and result: when the result of an action is contrary to the desired or expected effect. Likewise, cosmic irony is disparity between human desires and the harsh realities of the outside world (or the whims of the gods). Verbal irony is a disparity of expression and intention: when a speaker says one thing but means another, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect. An example of this is sarcasm. Dramatic irony is a disparity of expression and awareness: when words and actions possess a significance that the listener or audience understands, but the speaker or character does not. the funniest part of this is that while situational irony isn't the only type, so #30 is wrong on that count, this particular indcident is, actually, situational irony, SITUATIONS are things that HAPPEN, speech happens, ergo when speech is one of the things that happens, it can still be considered SITUATIONAL. granted one could argue for some verbal irony here is you want to argue what meaning of "funny" the speaker intended, but that wouldn't really be blatant enough irony to be significant here. Person said something, that was fairly inmprobable, when you think of all the trees that could have fallen in that span of time instead of that one, the chance that it fell in the direction of the car, etc. and by saying so, made the whole situation even more unlikely, because often are trees wont to fall on things, but it's not usual for people to have just suggested that such an occasion happened beforehand, also, adding the fact that the car was newly repaired adds an additonal improbability to the situation. Things that are that phenomenally imrobable are customarily unexpected, well, unless you're reading FML, because I'm sure if you can READ and understand this long, drawn out explanation I just ******* laid down for you, you will find that a vast majority, if not all FML stories are highly ironic. Thank you p.s. the fact that #9 said that people were using the term irony incorrectly and insulted them to the point of suggesting that they repeat a very basic class when in fact they were using it correctly, at least by the definitions cited here, which are true for most modernly taught schools of rhetoric, and if anyone should return to high school, it's 9

"p.s. the fact that #9 said that people were using the term irony incorrectly and insulted them to the point of suggesting that they repeat a very basic class when in fact they were using it correctly, at least by the definitions cited here, which are true for most modernly taught schools of rhetoric, and if anyone should return to high school, it's 9" How ironic.

#15 is the Architect! and man I do feel sorry for you and the car. though the tree didn't mean it, I'm sure. ;)

Komatose 0

She's a witch! A witch I say! Haha. dude, that just sux.

LysssNysss 1

once again irony strikes a innocent pedestrian trying to live a daily life lol