Funny how?

By Jessie - 23/02/2009 08:08 - United States

Today, I drove to a party after getting my car back from the shop. A thunderstorm started as I made my way there and upon arriving, the power went out. The guests decided to watch the storm from the front windows when someone mentioned how funny it would be if a tree fell on my car. Seconds later, one did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 348
You deserved it 3 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

holynemesis1208 3

then the geico lizard came out and slapped you in the face and said "15 mins. would have saved you over 15% on your car insurance, but now your just ******."


lol. speaking to soon effing sucks. lifes way of saying you should have kept your mouth shut in the first place. then again I don't think it would have mattered anyways.

So I totally made an fml account because I knew this was you......... That was the funniest shit ever. I was tripping on acid that night. HAHAHAHAHAHAH

haha u know that's actually kinda a really bad sort of way

oh my god! this is the first time I've seen OP comment on there own FML!!!!

bhimz1 0

god had a really bad timing fulfilling wishes >.

ronkster44 2

A legitimate fml... sorry to hear about your car!

What are the odds of that happening?!?

its to bad they didnt say wouldnt it be funny if it started raining money......that really does suck though i hope all works out.