Get out!

By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 21:12 - United States

Today, after taking my girlfriend on a date, she invited me back to her place for "hot coffee and dessert." Excitedly, I said yes. When we got there, we actually had coffee and dessert. When I told her this wasn't what I'd had in mind, she kicked me out for being a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 156
You deserved it 68 077

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi_ruuc 0
irishfever 0

Just because you took her on a date you automatically get sex?


addmonkey 1

Why is he a pervert? if your a chick and you invite someone in after a date then you should assume they are thinking about sex, your naive otherwise. Just how guys are built. Go back to catholic school you hypocrites.

He's a perv because she mentioned coffee and dessert and the first thing that popped into his mind was sex. That alone isn't so bad, but when you actually mention that you're disappointed that that's not what she meant, then the girl would most likely call you a pervert. Go back to hiring prostitutes, you perv.

You SHOULD assume? WTF kind of mentality do you have? What if your girlfriend invites you in and her parents are there? This is ridiculous.

Smilzen 0

Hot bareback parent sex, that's what you should assume.

I would have kicked you out too... what a pervert >:/

not everything's about sex, kids sometimes coffee and cake with a nice bit of conversation also serves a purpose in a relationship.

Probably only 'easy' girls would explicitly say "wanna come up for sex?" - in the dating world "coffee" means sex 90% of the time... Still OP, YDI for telling her you were disapointed!

kperalta 0

Well it depended on how long you've been goin out xD