Hank Pecker

By Anonymous - 19/06/2013 15:29 - United States - Richmond

Today, I woke up early, went to the gym, then came home and showered. When I went into my room to change, my mom woke up and started pounding on my door, screaming about how lazy and useless I was for sleeping so late. When I tried to tell her otherwise, she grounded me for "talking back". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 149
You deserved it 3 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How are we suppose to explain ourselves without talking back?


Some people just want something to bitch about. If you're able to, get out of there.

And parents wonder why kids try to move out as soon as possible. This is why.

Yep, kids are like a spring. The more you hold them back, the farther they'll go.

TheDrifter 23

I just apologized. Didn't matter if I was right or wrong, they got the gratification they were after and went on their way. Come to think of it, that technique works as well on spouses as it does on parents.

This always works on my friends' parents, but my mom is bipolar and paranoid, so she believes I'm rude, that my apologies aren't legitimate, and that I try to make her angry on purpose. She's the kind of mom that if I were to walk away from a toxic conversation that would only end up with her screaming, that she'd come running after me. I can never win.

UnluckyGenius 21

Tomorrow pound on her door and scream "IT'S GYM TIME!"

crazytwinsmom 25

Toss your sweaty gym clothes to her. Then she will understand.

Next time take the classic gym selfie and show her proof

If she's just getting up isn't she the lazy one?

perdix 29

How would going to the gym be useful for her? She needs you to do chores around the house or get a ******* job. You may beat the "lazy" rap, but "useless" is still in play, and she could throw in "narcissistic."

perdix 29

#49, in many third-world countries today and until the recent past in the developed world, that's exactly what kids were used for. It's a recent luxury that kids have can afford to go to a gym and lift an iron weight just to put it back down again. Little bastards need to use their energy milking cows or pulling weeds. Lots of people go to the gym just to look better. That's narcissistic.

perdix 29

#52, in 300 characters, we never get the whole story, so to make this site fun, we have to make up shit. Trying to look good can be a manifestation of narcissism. It depends to what extent the OP is working on it and what he or she may be excluding to focus on their looks.

toxxickittyy 19

Uh you have no idea what OP does around the house or in their life, how about you don't just jump to all these silly conclusions about the OP. Not only that, OP lives in the USA not a 3rd world country, so who cares what they do vs. what the OP does. Everyone's lifestyle is different.

So, 57, are you a long-winded narcissist?

I CANNOT STAND people like you, #49. You hate children and you think they should be slaves for their parents.

Is this some fancy way of telling us that you went to the gym, OP?