Hank Pecker

By Anonymous - 19/06/2013 15:29 - United States - Richmond

Today, I woke up early, went to the gym, then came home and showered. When I went into my room to change, my mom woke up and started pounding on my door, screaming about how lazy and useless I was for sleeping so late. When I tried to tell her otherwise, she grounded me for "talking back". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 149
You deserved it 3 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How are we suppose to explain ourselves without talking back?


Maybe she was hungry and wanted breakfast in bed?

I totally know what you mean; I have parents like that. They tell you to do something, you tell them you're busy and that you'll do it later, the ground you for disobidience.

metreman 19

like in that song parents just don't understand

cheezball63 8

You see kids that right there is called a bitchy mother

ginawater19 13
tehdarkness 21

Man, some adults just make life suck just because their that unintelligent. They ruin everything just out of assumptions