Hard no

By Eduardo - 18/04/2021 20:00

Today, my 30-year old cousin, who is unemployed, parasitic and never completed high-school, whose girlfriend is a crack addict, wants to move into my place. He was evicted from an apartment building two weeks ago for assaulting some neighbors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 143
You deserved it 79

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

Then tell him he can't move in with you.

- Deny him and his GF entry - Up your home security - If he and her gets uppity, do not hesitate to practice legal action


Ambrily 27

Then tell him he can't move in with you.

- Deny him and his GF entry - Up your home security - If he and her gets uppity, do not hesitate to practice legal action

I'm going to guess that a parent or other family members came up with this. order a ring camera and then tell them NO

The answer is not only “no” but “HELL no!” And if he tries to come in, call the police and have them escort him out. If you let him stay even for a short time it could be very difficult to get rid of him.

Honestly I don't know why this is so difficult. Say no. There. Problem solved.

Warp1978 15