Joe Smooth

By Anonymous - 09/12/2023 18:00 - Australia - Perth

Today, I thought I was being smooth by using a pickup line on a cute barista. I confidently said, "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears." She replied, "Actually, I'm a barista, and everyone else is waiting for their coffee. Next!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 119
You deserved it 1 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It didn't work? You must not have tipped your fedora at her quite right.

Next time you should try, 'I think you're cute, want to go for a coffee sometime?'. Oh, and also don't hit on people while they're working and you're a customer, probably.


It didn't work? You must not have tipped your fedora at her quite right.

Next time you should try, 'I think you're cute, want to go for a coffee sometime?'. Oh, and also don't hit on people while they're working and you're a customer, probably.

He shouldn't even try the line you suggest. She's at work and has to smile at him to keep her job. He needs to back off and let her do her job. Luckily she knows how to brush him off. But it's a real pain for pretty women, having to fend jerks off like that while trying to get a good job of work done.

Thus why I also said -not- to hit on people while they're working :)

Yah, don't hit on people who are professionally obligated to be nice to you. Charm them, yes, but don't hit on them.

So which burned more, the coffee or the rejection? Wait, I don't really care about the answer. I'm just gonna laugh at you being a stupid bastard.

No you're not smooth, you're sexualising a woman who'll get into trouble if she doesn't do her job. Leave her alone.

EricW 4
MistressAfrodite 5

yeahhh don’t hit on people at work