
By ugly - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my sister told me not to come over anymore because her baby is scared of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 400
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did the baby tell her that? No? Then she has no proof.

That is what brown bags are made for- don't forget the eye slits. just a suggestion...


When they're older this will be a funny story to tell them :)

nlr 9

no offense but your sister sound like s bitch for saying that... she doesn't know what her baby is afraid of for all she knows the baby is afraid of her.

lionandthelamb61 9

Ha, no offense. That's like, "No offense, but my baby thinks you're fugly, so stay the hell away until further notice. But, we're cool though, yeah?"

Khyle1396 0

Wow, you seriously just complimented on your own comment. That just screams desperate.

thats kind of rude... even if its true she should have made up another reason... instead of hurting your feelings like that

You should photoshop your face over hers on a family picture and hand it to the child when they grow up.

If it's a family picture they'll probably both be in it.

ItWasAllWorthIt 0

She's probably jealous because her own baby likes you more than her.

that's pretty brutal try maybe try a mask next time

lionandthelamb61 9

Option A.) Paper bag, Option B.) Uncle Frank and Aunt Jack, and Thirdly) Remind little Miss Too Good For Ugly People that when she came shooting out of her moms vadge covered in cottage cheese her family still allowed her ugly alien headed self into the house, so she can just deal with aunt ugly. By the way, when your sister broke the news did she start singing U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alabai, you ugly, hey hey, you ugly?

to #69, if your questioning the song at the bottom, it's from Bring It On. And to OP if you wear glasses and nobody else in the baby's family wears glasses that could be whats scaring it.

hahaha Saturday night live. Bobby fisher who is he I don't know I don't know

bobby fisher who is he I don't know I don't know

MrSexyPants 14

LOL Uncle Frank and Aunt Jack!! Great movie ;D