Landlords gonna landlord

By katurday - 03/11/2009 15:59 - United States

Today, my landlord came over while I wasn't home. My friend and her pets were thrown out by her husband. I'm the only person she knows in this state and she begged me to stay. I reluctantly told her fine; just don't answer the door. She did, with the animals, and told him she was living here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 482
You deserved it 6 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Wow... That sucks! I'd kick her ass out and try and kiss your landlord's ass.

blland 0

now do you know why she got dumped?


That's what I was going to say, Alex. OP, you're friend is an idiot. She's not wort it.

Calling people idiots while simultaneously misspelling words is one of the most ironic things ever.

Skull_300 0

Now you have a roommate and some pets as you have to find a new place to live!

perfectwinds 0

Wow... That sucks! I'd kick her ass out and try and kiss your landlord's ass.

Hey just explain why to the landlord and kick her out for treating you that way.

ozymandias_fml 0

So....? I have never heard of a lease that prohibits house-guests. Pets, yes, but not house guests or roommates.

I've had leases that prohibited guests for longer than so many days. (A week, I think.)

By telling him that she lived there, that implied the pets lived there too (and she wasn't just visiting with them).

blland 0

now do you know why she got dumped?

whatxthexeff 0

She deserves it. Why is it FYL? She was stupid enough to open the damn door. Now you know why she was stuck with youm becayse she's an idiot!

It's not really FYL, unless your lease gets broken because of her stupidity...then yes, FYL indeed. Sorry you have dumbass friends who don't know how to listen.