Little demon

By Hackmanjones - 13/06/2009 14:42 - Canada

Today, I was volunteering at a zoo event for special needs kids. My job was to dress up in a kangaroo costume and greet the kids. One kid came up and said, "You're not real!" and kicked me in the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 420
You deserved it 4 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a woman and you have balls. Your L is F'd.

well at least he knows you weren't real lol thats a smart "slow" kid =P


That will certainly leave a mark. haha

Dude, guys should just wear a cup 24/7. We're not safe doing anything these days!

aquarius6 0
dtowen414 0

shoulda thrown that little bastard in the lions pit... jk

gingermonster16 0

Lester's Possum Park status right there.

And that's where you say, "Sure I am, mate!" in a bad Australian accent and hop around a bit. And if he still doesn't believe you, you say, "Yes I am dammit!" (still in an Australian accent) and punch his face in. If anyone yells at you.... Well, its natural instinct, yes?

Wololo 0

Shoulda kangaroo-kicked him right back...little bastard.

XD i lmao sooo bad when i saw this! YLIF!