Lost in translation

By ohhhman - 10/04/2009 00:13 - United States

Today, one of the Haitians that works in the kitchen at my restaurant said something to me. Usually I can't understand them and I just smile and laugh, so that's what I did this time. Later, I found out he was trying to tell me his father had passed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 702
You deserved it 58 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bummer. Maybe you should try to understand them better or just be honest and say, "I'm sorry but I just can't understand you; I'm so bad with accents."

i don't care how many times i gotta look stupid repeatedly going "pardon? pardon?" i still gotta know EXACTLY what someone is trying to tell me.


truslide 0

wow you ******* asshole. i hope they **** your mother now. this will be moderated :)

Haha I know how that is, I work with a kitchen full of Haitians and none of them speak clearly. It sucks when theres a language barrier cause then when shit like this happens, you feel like an asshole Lmfao

RB44_fml 0

I do the same when people tell me something and I don't understand them... :o

I don't understand why people go around and tell people they barely know their relatives passed out. Nobody. Cares.

LadieyMoonk 0

Maybe the haitian always talks to him so the haitian thinks they have a strong relationahip (fRiENdsOfCOURSE] and the haitian probably tells him lots of thingS you assface

SpunkT 0

You couldn't gather that maybe it was sad news by the expression on his face? I mean honestly, I sometimes have a hard time understanding heavy accents (who doesn't) but either be polite and say 'I'm sorry, I didn't get what you said" or something to that effect, or mimick THEIR expression if you're not going to try. Smile and laughter only works so much. and #13 I believe it. People are idiots.

starbaby 0

Lol I do the same thing, I have a 2 time "what rule". If I still don't understand after the 2nd what I smile,nod and mutter something while walking away. Luckly I have not had this problem yet.

glockjaw 0

Maybe you guys have never talked to someone with a thick Haitian accent. But it is damn near impossible to understand them.. FYL

Not your fault. I live in an area with a lot of immigrants and I can't understand half the people that come into my store. If I ask them to repeat themselves a few times finally I just say "I don't know" because honestly, I don't lol.

And you didn't notice he wasn't laughing or smiling? If someone is talking about how their relative passed away, they usually have a somber look. That should usually give others a clue that this is not a story to laugh at, language barrier or not. I hope you tell him in the future how you can't understand what he's saying.