Lost in translation

By ohhhman - 10/04/2009 00:13 - United States

Today, one of the Haitians that works in the kitchen at my restaurant said something to me. Usually I can't understand them and I just smile and laugh, so that's what I did this time. Later, I found out he was trying to tell me his father had passed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 702
You deserved it 58 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bummer. Maybe you should try to understand them better or just be honest and say, "I'm sorry but I just can't understand you; I'm so bad with accents."

i don't care how many times i gotta look stupid repeatedly going "pardon? pardon?" i still gotta know EXACTLY what someone is trying to tell me.


OperationNicole_fml 0

You deserved this. You think that just because you don't understand them, you can laugh at what they say and it'll go away all the time? Chances are that if people are speaking to you, THEY WANT TO GET A POINT ACROSS! Ask them to repeat, ask for a translator, ask them to speak slowly, anything.

Zirafina 0

Don't feel bad. I work with a lot of hispanics, and I do the same thing. You work in a restaurant, which is a fast paced job. It's not necessarily an "ignorance" problem, it's the fact that you just don't have the time to stand around and try to figure out what they're saying. I also have to stand by the fact that if they want people to understand them better, they should work on their English. It is our official language, and it's sickening how many people think they can just pack up and move here without knowing it.

Thats what you get for not making an effort with people. Instead of being fake, why don't you try and understand them because they work with you and all.

Today, I was telling somebody I work with at the kitchen that my father passed away. All they did was smile and laugh. FML. You must of really felt like an ass after that though ._.

Dude I totally understand that, I work with people I can barely understand and half the time after I say 'yes' or smile and nod like you, they stare at me with confusion. It sucks!

shmoryn 0

to everyone who thinks this person is a douche for not making more of an attempt i can say while laughing isn't the best choice it is very exhausting to work in an environment where people dont speak english fluently or have VERY thick accents. When you do it 8 hrs a day 5 days a week it doesn't necessarily get easier, just easier to fake it.

As someone accent, I'm telling you that having to repeat myself several times because someone didn't understand what I just said, while annoying, is a daily occurrence, I would also much rather someone ask me to repeat it than to just smile and nod with what I had to say, at least I know they're paying attention rather than ignoring me.

exactly "Vincenzo"! "shmoryn" yeah its easier for YOU to fake it rather than putting in an effort to treat people with respect.

What, was he smiling when he said it to you? YDI for not reading body language!

you couldnt think of anything when looking at their face, hearing the tone, and noticing something was wrong with how they acted? FAILURE