Mom Jokes FTW

By Embarrassed Daughter - 18/07/2017 08:26 - United States - Erlanger

Today, as we were going through airport security, my mom tried to joke with the person searching her bag, saying, "Just don't take out my vibrator!" She practically shouted it for the whole line to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 341
You deserved it 358

Same thing different taste

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Even worse, the TSA guy said, “Ma’am, we don’t routinely do cavity searches.”

My last time at the airport I forgot I'd packed a bottle of shampoo with my carry on and my bag was flagged for a search. I had a bright orange vibrator in the bag and they weren't very discreet about it. He could tell I felt awkward and assured me he'd seen way worse.