
By ADH2000 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a job interview. I stopped to take a pee in the lobby before I went in. I relaxed a bit too much at the urinal and accidentally farted. I chuckled about it like a 5 year-old for a few seconds. The guy who had been next to me at the urinal was the interviewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 011
You deserved it 47 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bghernandez2011 14

I wouldn't need a job if that were the case... Lol


0 3

Whoops. I would have done the same thing.

Skater14 0

Ahaha. This made my day. Thanks. :P

sounds like a perfect ice-breaker to me. Kudos on the new job

Imthatgirlthere 0

I hope you were hired. Good luck. *giggles hysterically*

Was it at least a decent fart? I wouldn't hire anybody that does wussy, baby farts. :)

I don't understand why people laugh at farts?

Assmilk 0

^ It's more common for us guys, since we've been doing silly shit since we were little....

i agree with jsopre.. you probably have a weak fart which probably means you have a weak chin, in turn you probably have a weak handshake... hhaaa

LMAO, LOL, ROFL---I'm in hysterics. This would happen to me, but I'd continue to giggle for 15 min...I'm shaking still cracking up. I have a fart machine and I use it shamelessly. And I'm female...and have a very conservative facade. You're awesome. Fart away....hahahahahaha.