
By ADH2000 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a job interview. I stopped to take a pee in the lobby before I went in. I relaxed a bit too much at the urinal and accidentally farted. I chuckled about it like a 5 year-old for a few seconds. The guy who had been next to me at the urinal was the interviewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 011
You deserved it 47 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bghernandez2011 14

I wouldn't need a job if that were the case... Lol


hahahahahahaha basically, 21 stole the words right out of my mouth. its beautiful. hahahahahahahahahahaha wow

hahaha! this one made me giggle! well you know what they always say~ better an empty house than an angry tenant! lol.. #16 you made me LOL! ^_^

LOL this totally made my day. aww :) I agree with #16, I hope it was an epic fart at least.

alexa_rose 0

hahahaha thats awesomeee..i always laugh at farts, mine or others- some call it immature i call it lighten the **** up people

yeah seriously, i hope he at least had a sense of humor, hahahah

Aw, that's not that bad. I hope you ended up getting the job. You almost think that it'd work in your favor ... he had some prior experience with ... you ... before the interview.

theEnemy 0

Did the interviewer laughed too?

MCart_fml 0

It's a well respected right to fart and laugh about it in the men's room. why else would it be called the men's room? If your interviewer didn't hire you because of that he's got a bad sense of humor.

you don't want to work for someone who doesn't understand farts can be funny anyway.