Oh, the irony

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called the police regarding people speeding down my street, because I was worried for my young kids. On the way home from my daughter's ballet class, I got pulled over two blocks away from my house and got a $150 speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 802
You deserved it 118 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoops. At least you've learnt a lesson. But thats what you get for being a hypocrite

How stupid could you be? You called in the complaint, obviously they were going to set up a speedtrap. ******* idiot.


PollySighDevil 0

YDI for calling the Fuzz... and being a woman who can't keep from speeding down her own street!

runwest07 0

I'm confused. How do we know if the OP is a woman? They're "Anonymous" and it just said "daughter's ballet class."

you mean besides the fact that it says woman next to Anonymous?

fudgerz 0

next to anonymous it says (woman) karma's a bitch byotch!! I have no respect for hypocrites.

ImAKlutz15 0

Wow. At least they listened to you right?

Eros_fml 0

YDI completely, i hate people who call the cops for something thats insignificant like that, you are taking up their time from doing actual work

supercripple 0

You call something like speeding insignificant. We'll see how insignificant it is when someone creams someone you love and permanently injures them or kills them.

But if it is a neighborhood street where kids might wander into the road then speeding is serious because the driver may not have time to stop after he/she sees the kid

Well it seems like OP could have at least taken one speeder off the road before calling the cops...

Colby_Colbert 0

i bet ur motto is "do as i say, not as i do" right?

Inked2009 0

Worlds biggest hypocrite you call the police out of concern of your daughter. Then you put her life in danger for no damn reason, what a great parent you are!

If you're so concerned for your children's safety, why are you speeding WHILE THEY'RE IN THE CAR? I assume you were taking them home...

You got what you asked for, so why are you upset? This isn't an FML.