Oh, the irony

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called the police regarding people speeding down my street, because I was worried for my young kids. On the way home from my daughter's ballet class, I got pulled over two blocks away from my house and got a $150 speeding ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 802
You deserved it 118 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Whoops. At least you've learnt a lesson. But thats what you get for being a hypocrite

How stupid could you be? You called in the complaint, obviously they were going to set up a speedtrap. ******* idiot.


That's what you get for not minding your own buisness.

No, that's what he gets for being a hypocrite. People speeding on his street are his business.

Maybe she wasn't trying to speed, but whatever. She called the cops, and they caught the person that was speeding. Sucks that it was almost next door though, the neighbor could've been watching :0

Bangarang_Rufio 0

DUMBASS! glad to hear somewhere cops are doing their jobs though lol. police dont even showup in certain neighborhoods around here. Yet they are always on my street...

YDI for not caring about other peoples kids

quackquackquac 0

YDI!!! my neighbors call the cops all the time for people driving "too fast" down the street. maybe they should teach their kids to not shoot bb guns/play in the middle of the street!

generalsmith2 0

YDI for involving the cops in anything FYL. and i don't mean your life is ******... i mean FU. FYL. don't call cops they suck

oogyboogy 6

yup your so right we should jus let murderers run around on the streets and rob people

generalsmith2 0

idiot. you obviously don't understand the difference in traffic violations and real crime.

fyourlife33 0

There shouldn't even be an agree option on this.. YDI is obviously all that has to be said

breedizzles 0

well it's obvious that you're just a hypocrite. ******* moron.

jewel_505 0

YDI asshole. You aren't concerned about the safety of the OTHER kids on your street while your stupid ass is speeding down it.. unbelievable.