Pictures of you

By ReboundGrl - 23/05/2016 18:44 - United States - Las Vegas

Today, I was really happy because the guy I've been on a few dates with wanted to take pictures with me. I thought it'd meant that he really liked me, but it turns out he just wanted them so he could post them online and make his ex-girlfriend jealous. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 928
You deserved it 1 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least you found out his intentions before things got super serious.

This FML was brought to you by Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop: edit yourself into a new relationship and spare the rebound girl.


Hey, at least you found out his intentions before things got super serious.

Kick him in the fleshy patch where his testicles used to be.

This FML was brought to you by Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop: edit yourself into a new relationship and spare the rebound girl.

This is when you walk away, preferably speedy. Don't need that guy in your life.

Like some of us haven't ever tried to make our ex's jealous.

Maybe you've tried to make your ex jealous, but if that's your main focus when you're with someone else, you're clearly not yet ready to commit to a different relationship.

Doesn't sound like it was this guy's main focus though. Yeah, it was stupid and insensitive to do it, but this is after a few dates. So unless he was doing it all along, he must have had other reasons to date OP.

A guy like that is not worth your time, move on before you get hurt.

Rude as hell, but at least you can know youre attractive enough that someone would want to brag i guess

Might not be what you think it is. Maybe he's decided he likes you so much he's definitely found something better, and if it was a rough breakup or he was cheated on, maybe he kinda wants to rub it in her face (c'mon, we've all felt that way). If he only wanted a picture of a pretty girl, that would've happened on the first date, not the third or fourth.

On the bright side he considers you attractive enough to make his ex jealous.

Don't be so quick to judge, he might have had a bitchy ex, and just wanted to rub you in her face ?