Pirate Jim

By maryann - 09/05/2021 02:01

Today, I brought home my new boyfriend, who happens to have an eyepatch. Despite repeatedly telling them not to, even threatening punishment, my daughters, ages 9 and 11, would not stop calling him "Cyclops." He’s mad at me for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 042
You deserved it 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really hope he is mature enough to understand they are kids and it's to be expected. In his position I would have leaned into it and played the role of pirate and we all could have a laugh. How you handle unfortunate circumstances can dictate a lot. Make the best of what you have and you will be a much happier person.

DoctorPALO 14

If you hadn't told them NOT to, they probably wouldn't have.


DoctorPALO 14

If you hadn't told them NOT to, they probably wouldn't have.

I really hope he is mature enough to understand they are kids and it's to be expected. In his position I would have leaned into it and played the role of pirate and we all could have a laugh. How you handle unfortunate circumstances can dictate a lot. Make the best of what you have and you will be a much happier person.

bleachedraven 14

better to laugh than cry : )

Lmao adorable. Toxic but adorable. Kids will be kids.

Better than than "Cap'tain Hook".

bleachedraven 14

Coming from kids he shouldn't be too upset about it.

You brought home Majima didn't you?

This would be a red flag for me. Kids say rude stuff. Adults have to be mature enough to handle it in a calm and rational manner. His anger is not how you handle it.

Start calling yourself Jean Grey. Problem solved. Just watch out for old dudes called Logan. They're the jealous type.

You do need to do more than just threaten punishment. You can still give consequences in the moment.

rotflqtms_ 21

For an adult, he's really thin skinned. They are children and had he played it off, maybe they would have been bored and stopped. Do you really want someone who can't handle teasing from children to be a father figure for your children? He gets upset too easily to be able to handle larger situations that'll come up later. Getting mad at you for something someone else does...I don't think he's mature enough to take on the role you probably want him to take on...