
By banned - 09/03/2012 06:59 - United States

Today, I was at my girlfriend's house for the first time. I cracked a joke that offended her, so she gave me the silent treatment. I had to pee, and since she wouldn't tell me where the bathroom was, I went to look for it. I walked in on her parents making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 255
You deserved it 7 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SW500 13

Why would they do that while anyone but the family was over?


obviousboy 8

Gotta love 15 year old chicks.

obviousboy 8

Down voted by a 15 year old probably.

lovebeecharmer 6

Hahahahahahah usually it's the other way around!!! Let 'em know that!

tuppencej777 0

Really? Look up the definition for sarcasm, you won't have to look far for stupidity after.

nessaface25 14

hey look at the bright side, at least it wasn't the other way around. having them walk in on you two would probably have been a lot worse.

What about pissed pants because of getting scared?

Like mother like daughter, best time is when her parents are occupied doing the same thing

skyeyez9 24

"Oh, my bad player {shuts bedroom door and walks away)."