
By banned - 09/03/2012 06:59 - United States

Today, I was at my girlfriend's house for the first time. I cracked a joke that offended her, so she gave me the silent treatment. I had to pee, and since she wouldn't tell me where the bathroom was, I went to look for it. I walked in on her parents making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 255
You deserved it 7 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SW500 13

Why would they do that while anyone but the family was over?


Nuttyicecream 2
bubo_fml 10

Did you have a "pee-some?" (Sea what I did there?!?)

cben519 2

Your girlfriend sounds like an immature little brat

Don't worry. They'll return the favor one day :)

Guido25897 4

Am I the only one wondering what the joke was?

Someone who didn't get sarcasm on the internet (where you don't have clues like tone of voice) isn't automatically stupid.

ONE_LOVEMrMarley 0

i kinda dont believe the last part