Smooth operator

By Nic - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I put on some skimpy shorts and bent down to get something on the bottom shelf of the fridge to get my boyfriend's attention. On my way up, I slammed my head on the edge of the fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 947
You deserved it 46 038

Same thing different taste


welandedonthemoo 5

should've made him a sammich while wearing those sexy short

Why didn't you just wear nothing if you wanted his attention?

zach55 0

ydi for being an attention hooooooo

lindseytaylor201 0

trust me that doesn't work. just makes you look like a ****.

haha ydi well now u probably got his attention along with some medical attention...! XP

mc013 0

Got his attention didn't you, OP :P

RawrBunneh 0

I moderated this one hehehe...

minniusmannius 0

How long you've been hiding in my closet?