Sorry, man

By Lii - 24/03/2015 01:04 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I shouted, "Fuck off!" out of reflex when I felt someone behind me grab my bag and pull it off my shoulder. It turned out to be an elderly man with a walking stick, who was trying to steady himself in a busy crowd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 084
You deserved it 15 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So apparently, neither of you were completely stable when this occurred?

Hidghetti 14

I would've done the same thing


Could have been a lot worse if the op instinctively turned and slapped/punched the old man.

poppunkette 22

If that's your reflex reaction well **** me! Poor old guy. Hope you apologised

Wonder what you would do if you thought someone was stealing you bag. Turn around and watch him/her do it?

poppunkette 22

Not yell **** off Id tighten my grip on the bag and turn around you know see if there is a plausible reason for it

It's pretty easy to play monday morning quarterback with this kind of thing. But in the heat of the moment most people won't react calmly.

I agree with 23 actually. Maybe it's cause I live in suburbia Canada, but if I felt as tug on my purse, I'd hold my grip tighter and turn around and see what's happening. My first thought would've been someone bumping into it accidentally, someone tripping and grabbing it, or it getting caught on something or someone. It's kind of sad you guys live where your first thought is someone is stealing it & need to tell them to F off. I've never had anything stolen and live in a place where it's very unlikely for someone to grab your purse and run. Depends what your reaction is based on where you live I guess.

poppunkette 22

Guess if you grow up in a town where you can leave your bag unattended your not as suspicious

hey I've caught an old man trying to pick me, just cause someone is old doesn't mean they can't be thieves. that seems like a innocent way to make contact and the stick could be a prop

Your reflex was protective, I'm sure lots of people would do the same. You probably didn't upset the old guys day too much especially if you apologized

Well, if you live in a city with a lot of crime I guess it is an easy mistake to make. Just apologize and all will be good

I hope that man didn't take much offence from that. And later on forgave you or at least understood you! :) will be waiting for a follow up comment OP!

You yell "**** OFF" out of reflex? I understand that you may have been upset, thinking that someone might have been trying to steal you backpack, but come on Dude, sounds like you have some anger issues

Rosebudx 32

Old people can be thieves, too. He might have just played innocent because you caught him in the act.

Personally, I think that yelling something along the lines of "**** off" when you think someone is trying to steal your bag is a pretty natural reaction.