Sorry, man

By Lii - 24/03/2015 01:04 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I shouted, "Fuck off!" out of reflex when I felt someone behind me grab my bag and pull it off my shoulder. It turned out to be an elderly man with a walking stick, who was trying to steady himself in a busy crowd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 084
You deserved it 15 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So apparently, neither of you were completely stable when this occurred?

Hidghetti 14

I would've done the same thing


i would've done the same damn thing, you never know with people nowdays.....

Geez, would you punch someone if they accidentally bumped into you? Getting jostled a bit in a crowd is unavoidable. There's no need to be a dick about it.

But OP wasn't just "jostled a bit", s/he actually felt their bag being grabbed and pulled off their shoulder.

That's rude. You should always add "please", when addressing elderly.

ChiChilalaOMG 10

*cries* such a cute old man. How dare you. TT^TT did u say sorry????